It's possible your voicemails aren't loading right now because you don't have storage for it. Next let's clear up the storage on the Phone app to make sure you have enough space for any voicemails to load. In the Phone tab, click Storage then Clear Cache.Just like the restart, cache clearing can be accomplished in a few simple steps. Clear The Phone App CacheĬlearing out the cache from your calling app can fix a variety of issues often tied to the phone app. Once the restart is complete you can power your Google Pixel back on and check to see if your voicemails are loading again. Once you select Restart your phone will automatically power down. Your screen will prompt you with the option to Restart. Restart Your Google PixelĪ simple restart can be used to fix any minor software problems, including when your voicemails won't load! It's easy to do, simply press and hold the power button on your Pixel for 10-15 seconds. It's also possible that your voicemails are loading at a slower speed if you have poor connection.

You can confirm the status of you Pixel's service connection in the Settings app or by swiping down from the top of your screen. If these methods don't seem to be working, keep reading. Turn on Visual Voicemail and you should be able to access what you're looking for. In the app your can select the More option in the top right corner. Personally, I think the easiest way to check your voicemails is through the Phone app. You can also try calling your voicemail by opening the Phone app, then pressing and holding 1 on the keypad. If you are seeing a Voicemail notification on your screen, you should be able to swipe down from the top of your screen and select Voicemail to listen. Normally you should be able to access and listen to any voicemails that have been left for you.
#Google pixel check voicemail how to#
In this article, I'll explain why your Google Pixel can't load voicemail and how to fix it. It's nice being able to know who called and why, but if your voicemails aren't loading that can be a problem. Voicemails are a great feature that often go overlooked.